Pilates for Fencers - Controlled, Mobile Hips
Pilates for Fencers
1h 9m
This lesson goes beyond the traditional strength and conditioning exercises and provide fencers a flowing class incorporating a series of exercises which she chose and developed to challenge fencers’ neuromuscular fitness. I teach movements that explore a big range of movement and challenge stability in order to strengthen and mobilise the hips in a way that is most functional to the sport. The aim of the class is to:
- Increase the hips’ range of movement
- Stretch in a safe, effective way
- Offset muscular imbalances
- Address knee issues arising from stiff or unstable hips
Up Next in Pilates for Fencers
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This is a very technical exercise to help you achieve greater stability through the front hip when lunging. A happy hip is a happy knee, so here's another exercise to prevent or recover from a knee injury!
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Pilates for Fencers - Knee Rolls
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