

A selection of tutorials for a more in-depth understanding of specific issues and joints.

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  • 15' - Bullet Proof Dodgy Angles

    The focus of this short lesson is on the more precarious angles of the ankles, knees, elbows and wrists where we tend to be weaker and are more likely to injure ourselves. I'm encouraging you to explore the full range of movement of your joints and load them in a variety of angles using either ju...

  • 30' - Stable Base

    Work your feet in order to have strong knees, hips and back! Too often neglected, your feet need to be worked so as to be nicely mobile and reliably stable. You can replace the Balance Pads and Yoga blocks with a folded bath towel and two books.

  • 20' - Look After Your Hands, Wrists and Elbows

    Give your hands, wrists and elbows some attention and love with this short workout. If you suffer from any kind of elbow pain, then you definitely want to give it a try. For this workout, you will need a handweight (anything from 2 kgs especially for the wrists up to 10 or more depending on the s...

  • 15' - Strengthen your Hip Flexors

    A lot of people suffer from "tight hip flexors" and you might be one of those who feel a constant need to stretch them. What feels "tight" might actually be a sign of weakness. Strengthening them will therefore help more then just stretching.

  • 45' - Pregnancy Pilates

    Prepare your body for the big day and beyond! At the heart of this class is the practice of deep diaphragmatic breathing combined with practical movements to both engage and release the pelvic floor efficiently. The breath work will help you relax and prepare mentally for giving birth.

  • Tutorial - Exercise at your desk

    If your work requires spending a lot of time sitting, then this is the right tutorial for you! It will teach you some standing and seated movements which you should do regularly throughout the day to help prevent physical issues which can arise from prolonged periods of sitting.

  • Tutorial - Move your feet

    A short tutorial on some basic movements to do regularly to keep your feet happy!

  • Tutorial - Hips

    This tutorial will teach you how to strengthen and release your hips within their full range of movement in a way that supports your knees and lower back.

  • Tutorial - Exercise at your desk 2

    If your work requires spending a lot of time sitting, then this is the right tutorial for you! It will teach you some standing and seated movements which you should do regularly throughout the day to help prevent physical issues which can arise from prolonged periods of sitting.

    This tutorial is...

  • Tutorial - Head alignment

    This tutorial looks at the alignment of the head to the ribcage to help you address any neck and shoulder tension you may experience as a consequence of sustained bad postural habits. It will also help extend your upper spine for a taller, prouder upright position!

    An important note for ante- an...

  • Tutorial - Knees

    This tutorial is great for addressing current knee issues or preventing knee pain from occuring in the first place!