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60' - Improvers/Advanced class 23/03/21
Small Equipment Workouts
This is the recording of the zoom Improvers/Advanced class taught on 23rd March 2021. Have your ball and band handy!
Up Next in Small Equipment Workouts
60'- Improvers/Advanced class 11/05/21
This is the recording of the zoom Improvers/Advanced class taught on 11 May 2021. For this class, you will need a ball!
60' - Beginners/Mixed Ability class 1...
This is the recording of the zoom Beginners/Mixed Ability class taught on 8th May 2021. The lesson uses a band and an overball.
20' - Foam Roller workout
A short workout focusing on the spine using the foam roller for increased body awareness. Using the foam roller is a great rehab tool post-nataly. Just be conscious of not overdoing your abdominals in a flexed position (Curl Ups) if you are recently postnatal.