70' - The Edges of Movement
Beginners and Mixed Ability
1h 9m
A full hour (and a bit) to move all your joints, exploring their full range of movement, getting you right into the edges of those stickier corner that might feel a bit sore or stiff. This session will help you feel more flexible and stronger in your whole body and give you a sense of greater ease of movement.
Up Next in Beginners and Mixed Ability
40' - Seated Arm Workout
Welcome to this arm workout .... with a bit of hips thrown into it. The arms bit will require some weights, the hips bit will just require sitting down but in different position so as to challenge your mobility and balance. This video is suitable for pre/postnatal bodies, just be mindful of align...
35' - Chair Based Mobility Training
Grab a stool, bench or chair for this mobility training session. We will work through every single joint, from your ankles, to your neck, to help you increase your range of movement, gain length and strength in those outer ranges. My aim is for you to move with greater ease and feel stable. "Stro...
25' - Twist, Twist, Twist the Spine
A healthy spine is one that moves in all directions and twisting can sometimes feel stuck or a bit sticky. So here's a short workout to help you wring your spine out and make it feel strong and mobile.