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60' - Improvers/Advanced class 23/03/21
Longer Workouts
This is the recording of the zoom Improvers/Advanced class taught on 23rd March 2021. Have your ball and band handy!
Up Next in Longer Workouts
60' - Improvers/Advanced class 4/05/21
This is a recording of the zoom Improvers/Advanced lesson taught on 4 May 2021 for which you need a ball and a band.
60' - Advanced workout
Join me for a 60' long advanced workout, working the whole body through different start positions using technically and/or physically challenging exercises. I use an overball for some of the exercises which you can easily replace with a folded up towel (or nothing at all!) if you do not have a ball.
50' - Advanced ball and band workout
Treat yourself to a full body workout with this advanced class. You will need a band and an overball but, if you don't, a folded up towel and a pair of tights or leggings will do!